The Stakes Have Never Been Lower

The opportunity is great and the consequences for failure have never been lower. There’s no reason not to give it a shot.

The Opportunity is Endless

So why do I say the stakes have never been lower?

Because the downside is practically zero.

The Most Advanced Time in History

We live in the most advanced time in human history. The safety net is large and the consequences for failure are low. Think about it.

What happens if you fail? Would you still have everything you need? Food, water, shelter?

You would. But this hasn’t always been the case.

Throughout time the consequences for failure have been much greater. The safety net didn’t exist. For early humans, the consequence of not getting what they wanted was usually death. We advanced and the consequences became a life of poverty instead. We advanced and what are they now?

You fail and go back to that cushy office job. That’s about it.

Technology is advancing at a rapid rate and so are our standards of living with it. We have driven the cost of survival to almost zero. The consequences of failure are mostly in your head. They are a bruised ego. That’s it.

You start that side project or startup and fail. You’re back to where you started. That’s it.

In fact, they’re even lower than that. Because you won’t be back to where you started. Not at all.

More on this later. But first…

Everything’s on Fire

…all the time. Isn’t it? At least that’s how it feels these days.

The reality is the opposite.

There has never been a better time to be alive. A time of greater plenty. Better quality of life for more people in more places. Available food, water, shelter. Cheap travel. Remote work.

So why do the people on TV insist everything is falling apart?

Because the stakes have never been lower.

They have to convince you of this. It’s how they keep their jobs.

You’re going to be fine. But it doesn’t serve many people for you to know this. They need you to think you need them.

They have to convince you that you need their product, their care, their leadership. You don’t. You’re going to be fine. Technology has advanced to a point where this is more true for more people than ever before.

Why is every headline clickbait? Why do they need that “Youtube face” thumbnail to get you to click?

Because the stakes have never been lower.

Why does the news only show what’s wrong in the world? Why are they so desperate for your attention?

Because the stakes have never been lower.

Why does every candidate need you to believe the other side’s victory would be a catastrophe?

Because the stakes have never been lower.

The most unpopular opinion today is that we’re going to be fine either way. We are.

The Downside is Less Than Zero

Earlier I said your worst case scenario is that you end up back where you started. Even that’s not the case.

You’ll learn something new either way.

For me, the most valuable use of my time is learning to code with these new, AI assisted tools. My hope is to use these tools to build products people love. You should consider the same.

I hope to succeed at this. But I know what my ultimate downside is if I don’t.

Zero. It doesn’t exist. There is no downside to learning how to do this.

You might fail to build profitable products with these tools. But you’ll have learned a new skill and probably had a great time doing it.

In fact, you’ll have learned the most important skill for any job in the future. Failed as an entrepreneur? Congrats, you’re more employable now than you’ve ever been.

Every person, employee, and business owner will need to know how to use AI. You won’t just have learned a new skill; you’ll have learned the most important one.

Whether you succeed or fail, you’re more valuable than you were before. This is the real value of building right now. You can’t lose.

I won’t pretend to know what you dream of doing. Maybe it’s not learning to code. Maybe it’s not building anything at all.

The opportunities here are particularly endless. But it doesn’t matter if you go a different route. The opportunity is still there. The safety net is just as large. The consequences just as nonexistent.

Whatever it is you dream of doing, there’s no reason not to try.


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