3 Reasons Why Only Optimists Make Money Online

The people who are most optimistic about the future are the ones taking advantage of all the opportunities right now.

The people who are most optimistic about the future are the ones taking advantage of all the opportunities right now.

I've learned something very simple, only optimists make money. I've tried many business plans in the past that have failed. The number one thing they all had in common was that I was overly critical and pessimistic about my chances.

I want to help you break through your objections, because they're likely the same ones I had.

"There's too many people already doing it. There's no way I could stand out today online. People aren't going to find enough value in my ideas to pay for them."

To help you break through your objections, I want to offer you 3 reasons only optimists make money.

Reason 1: They keep going through the initial slow stages.

The beginning of any journey is tough. There is little reward, feedback, or clarity on whether you're heading in the right direction or not. It's the ability to keep going through these stages of uncertainty that allow the optimist to persist until they are making money.

Only optimists have this belief.

Reason 2: They realize there will be more opportunities in the future.

Too many people believe the markets (especially online) are "saturated." Optimists realize that the opportunities online are growing, not shrinking. The amount of people getting value from creators is going to continue to increase.

The people that realize this know that now is an even better time to get started than a few years ago.

Reason 3: They know they don't have to compete with others.

There is so much value and opportunity flowing online they plant their flag and allow some of it to start flowing to them. The sheer amount of money exchanging hands means you only need to attract a small percentage of it to have plenty for yourself. By visualizing the amount of money others spend each day, you start to see how easy it would be to support yourself by providing value to these people online.

Pessimists think in terms of competition, optimists in terms of opportunity.

Internalizing these 3 reasons set the groundwork for making money online.

They have helped me blast through my objections. More specifically, they opened my eyes to how capable I am of making money online. They made it easier to get started and easier to keep going.

I've realized that the opportunity ahead of us is bigger than I imagined.

Finding your own reasons to be more optimistic will allow you to make money online more easily than you imagined as well.


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